What is MyPlankton™ ?

There is a new Marine Phytoplankton Tonic (Whole-Food, Super-Food Nutrition) that recently launched out of Australia that has me dancing praises! It’s called MyPlankton™ !

No only did this new discovery catch the attention of people wanting to improve their health significantly, it also caught the attention of health practitioners throughout the world! Since that particular Marine Phytoplankton product is no longer available – there has been a “nutritional VOID” in the lives of thousands of people.

As it turns out I am not the only person who has been missing that marine phytoplankton product. I get phone calls often from customers who have been buying that product from me for a decade! It broke my heart telling them that I could no longer help them as I didn’t have a replacement product.


So when I heard about this new product called MyPlankton™ I was naturally both curious and interested. I was, however, skeptical as I couldn’t imagine it measuring up to my beloved “mpp tonic”.

THEN, this beautiful colored bottle arrived in my mailbox!

It is a concentrated formula and tastes delicious. To my delight I feel energized every day I take it. Today I took it before working out and noticed a distinct BOOST in my energy and recovery.

Not only do I love it, my husband Dave, who is not usually too excited with nutritional products, asked if he could try it and he LOVES IT!

Oh no…. we quickly placed an order for 4 more bottles as we don’t want it to run out!

If you have not tried it and want to learn more go to www.PlantonToday.com

ONE BOTTLE = 1 month supply for 1 person taking the suggested minimum daily amount. We placed the order at www.PlanktonToday.com and ordered 4 bottles, which is a 2 month supply for both of us. The total that included shipping was only $263.10 and will arrive within approx. 4-5 days from today, from Australia. An easy calculation is we get to enjoy this delicious super-food tonic for approximately $2 per day. 🙂

What is MyPlankton™?

It is a marine phytoplankton wholefood ‘SUPERfood’ embracing Mother Nature’s Nutrition. MyPlankton™ a blend of high quality Marine Phytoplankton, Red Microalgae and Spirulina in every bottle and added to it is an array of ultra high performing antioxidant ingredients in this unique Superfood Antioxidant Drink.

MyPlankton™ contains a beautiful synergistic group of wholefoods that delivers this high quality balance of nutrition and flavor through its unique combination of the world’s best ingredients, accepted super foods like aloe vera, bilberry, noni juice, ginger, astaxanthin, rosehip and more…

A unique blended formula of 4 super food algae nutrients!

  • Marine Phytoplankton
    Halophile Pink (RED) Microalgae
    Astaxanthin (keto-carotenoid)
    Australian Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina)

Blended together with Natural Extracts

Aloe Vera – one of the oldest healing plants known to mankind, supports health of the digestive system and support circulation
Olive Leaf Extract – 400% More Powerful than Vitamin C, Australia’s extracts are scientifically proven to contain more than 20 polyphenolic antioxidants
Grape Juice Concentrate – Grapes are very beneficial as a fruit as they contain vitamin C as well as flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants and beneficially impacts the cardiovascular system
Bilberry (Blueberry) – contains anthocyanosides, potent antioxidants which strengthen blood vessels and capillary walls, may reduce cholesterol effects and six times the amount of antioxidants than that of citrus fruits
Ginger Root – chinese medicine use to treat inflammation and chronic pain, ideal for boosting the circulation, lowering high blood pressure and keeping the blood thin when used in higher amounts
Frankincense – a variety of health benefits, including helping relieve chronic stress and anxiety, reducing pain and inflammation, boosting immunity and even potentially helping to fight chronic disease
Apple Juice Concentrate – a rich source of proven preventive nutrients, high levels of polyphenols and other phytochemicals
Noni Juice – Morinda Citrifolia is a fruit with extraordinary healing properties, used for over 2,000 years in Polynesia, China, India and elsewhere
Rose Hip Blend – high in vitamin C, an excellent immune system booster, used to improve and relieve the symptoms of kidney disorders

Looking to have optimal health and healthy cellular nutrition? I put my reputation on the line. This is not affiliated with any network marketing company- it is simply a product I am passionate at sharing.

I know I loved and miss the ‘other’ marine phtoplankton product….and if I do, I am sure thousands of others do as well. MyPlankton™ is currently available in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia with other countries coming soon.



www.PlanktonToday.com for info and to place your order.

Dr. Min Soo Kim introduces his next Generation Strip!

This is exciting news….. We had to keep this conversation under wraps for 5 plus months….. but now the cat is out of the bag!

Dr. Min Soo Kim is now sharing his Next-Generation Health Solution called Quantum Relief Strips!

The strips are exclusive to Tavala, a network marketing company based in American Fork, Utah. Tavala has the world wide exclusive on Dr. Kim’s Strips . That’s a good thing because the company is expanding beyond the USA boarder this month.

These are the NEXT Generation…. made with a synthetic silk and tourmaline to hold the Quantum Energy longer. You do NOT need to keep these strips in mylar bags!

There is no smell to these strips where his original version did have, for some, a strong ginseng smell.

Not only do these strip work better, they work 4-5 times better. Additionally, the adhesive on the QR Strips stay on thru a couple of tub baths, snorkeling etc.

Want to be part of Dr Kim’s Next Generation Strips? Want to find out if we are in your country or going there soon? Just ask!


Dave & Joy

802-846-7530 h


or to order go to www.DaveandJoy.com

The Tavala Advantage
No Enrollment Fees
Same Price for Members and Customers
No Auto Ship required
Customer volume counts toward your personal qualifying volume.



How Can I Earn a $350 Life Style Bonus with TAVALA? Can I in my 1st Month?

Short answer is …… Yes!

But it’s going to take a little work!

The Lifestyle Bonus is paid on the Rank of Palladium with Tavala. It is a $350 bonus paid out every 4 weeks IF you have maintained the requirements of Palladium…. The fastest person on our team to reach Palladium was 17 days!

Here’s a short video that explains how to achieve Titanium, Silver and Palladium! If you want to see just Palladium, then go to 3 minutes, 58 second mark!

What would spend your $350 Lifestyle bonus on? a couple of mini vacations per year? School? So many choices!

If you have any questions, we’d be happy to answer them for you!


Dave & Joy


802-846-7530 h

or Sign up at www.DaveandJoy.com