Winning Recipe for the BEST BRU Recipe

Last month Tavala had a contest asking people to submit their favorite recipe for using bru. No doubt it was a fun challenge for the Tavala staff to try new recipes each day… and congratulations to Jennifer Jaca, she WON and was awarded 3 bags of bru.

I probably should have submitted a couple of recipes I use including my favorite KETO FAT BOMB recipe, but I never got around to it.

You can see that at

Healthy bru Guilt-Free Cake (aka Texas Sheet Cake)

(also known as the Chocolate Lovers Dream Cake)

2 cups sugar, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 cup butter, 4 Tbsp. bru , 1/2 cup buttermilk, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 2 eggs, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon.

Melt butter and bru (dark organic Cacao) together; add rest of ingredients and bake in a sheet pan or cookie pan for 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees.


3 Tbsp. bru, 6 Tbs. milk, 1 stuck butter, 2 C. powder sugar, 1 cup nuts (optional) Boil bru, Milk and Butter then add powdered sugar and nuts. Frost while hot.

Basically what I have discovered, if you LOVE chocolate you can use bru as an alternative chocolate flavor in any recipe. It increases the healthy benefits of dark organic chocolate (Cacao) and it will make it the highest anti-oxidant dessert on the planet.

So what the heck IS bru you may ask???

Lately, it seems that everyone from medical professionals to health gurus are touting the substantial health benefits of cacao, from natural mood elevation to lower blood pressure and improved digestion. Cacao has even been shown to slow the creation of fat cells.

With all these unbelievable health benefits, and many more, Tavala bru should seem like a no brainer. We recommend you drink at least one cup everyday, but more only gives you better results. Drink it in the morning, drink it throughout the day – you decide! It’s as easy as stirring one scoop into hot water – your daily helping of good health.

As for the taste and aroma, it’s like the best dark chocolate; enjoy it with your favorite sweetener or creamer, add it to your coffee, or drink it as is (hot or iced): natural, earthy, uplifting!

Directions for use: mix one scoop of Tavala bru with 8 oz of hot water. Stir and enjoy! More or less mix may be added for your personal taste.

Interested in purchasing bru? Go to It is available only through a Tavala members website and will never be available on the shelves of a store. The cost is only $29.99.

Some people actually lose weight substituting fattening beverages with bru. They do say that dark cacoa helps slow the creation of fat cells. I doubt that the recipe above would be a way to lose weight but you’ll at least know your anti-oxidants are handled for the day.

Bon Appetite!

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala



Why we Donate a Portion of our Customer Tavala sales to WEA?

Early August of this year I was telling my daughter- in- law, Brie, that we wanted to create a foundation or better yet, work with an organization that was already doing great things in the world, in particular for women and families, and their communities.

She told me of an organization called WEA and immediately after speaking with one of the co-founders, we made the decision to support this organization – Women’s Earth Alliance.

In their own words….

“When women thrive, communities and the Earth thrive. This is one of our core beliefs here at WEA because we’ve seen it to be true. Want to know more? Take a look at this short video sharing more about our origin story and vision for the future!” Check out this brief video. If you are moved, you too can make a donation, either a one time donation OR simply purchase any of our TAVALA products as a customer and we’ll make a 5% donation. (


We are thrilled to have decided mid-August to donate 5% of all our TAVALA customer sales (including sample sales) to WEA (Women’s Earth Alliance) and later this week we’ll tally up all our customer sales from mid-August and make our first of many on–going monthly donations.

So if you are considering purchasing any of TAVALA PRODUCTS (Trim, Control, Bru, Quantum Relief Strips, Alert and Snooze) know that when you order through our website ( that a portion of your sales will help this organization and women and communities in need. We AND WEA appreciate your support.







Doing great things, one person at a time…because we can. Tavala has made if possible to contribute in ways that touch our hearts and this is just the beginning.

We are all connected and in this together! If you’d like to contribute to WEA in any way we’ll help you make the connections to make that happen. If you’d like to donate your TAVALA customer sales to WEA or another organization that touches your heart, let’s talk. 802-846-7530

Once again, your customer purchases through our Tavala website will help Women’s Earth Alliance.

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders at Tavala


Yoga and Tavala’s Quantum Relief Strips

Is it true that the Quantum Relief Strips can help me with my YOGA PRACTICE?

I don’t know how to answer that question as everyone and every ‘body’ is different, however I will tell you that I have heard people tell me since they have been wearing the Quantum Relief Strips on a regular basis they have experienced both an inner and outer balance and more flexibility.

As for MY limited experience- and I am NOT a Yogini by any stretch of the imagination, but I recently started doing BIKRAM YOGA, based out of a physical need to rest my upper body from weight lifting and tennis and to gain more flexibility. The fact is, YOGA is therapeutic and can be a ‘healing practice’ but what was I thinking- that I wouldn’t need to use my upper body in Bikram? Very funny indeed. Every muscle and tendon in the body is worked and stretched with Bikram yoga.

You may be asking, what the heck are Quantum Relief Strips and does this relate to YOGA?

The Quantum Relief Strips (or QRS) are a topical ‘strip or patch’ made up of synthetic silk and quantum energy, that you adhere on the skin of your body, wherever you want to bring energy (quantum healing energy) to that area.

Some people wear the QRS because they are experiencing discomfort in a particular area, some people because they understand that we are all electrical beings and keeping the energy in constant flow allows us to function optimally.

The instructions are simply: Put it where it hurts!

Let’s suppose you simply want to avoid feeling tired or want a positive flow of positive energy in and throughout your body? Well, then the QRS can be used to continue the flow of positive chi which will help keep the body oxygenated as well as Chakras in balance.

The Quantum Relief Strips worn daily keep your body in ease, so you can avoid being in dis-ease and susceptible.

So, getting back to YOGA and wearing the Quantum Relief Strips. Yesterday was day 1 of me taking Bikram Yoga (HOT yoga, approximately 105 degrees) I had 1/2 of a QRS below my belly on the Dan Tien, which is the energy source in our body. Thanks to the advice of a Dr. of Oriental Medicine this is a “GO TO STOP” for the Strip.Power Strips

I also had a QRS on my elbow area where I am experiencing what they call “tennis elbow”. I have to say in a room that is 105 approximately 40% humidity….these strips (Quantum Relief Strips) adhere for days! (The older version created by the same doctor would roll off within minutes of getting wet or sweating!)

Yesterday I felt more strength and flexibility and zero discomfort in my elbow. I was wearing a Quantum Relief Strips. Today I forgot to put one on and my range of motion and level of discomfort was felt. TOMORROW I will wear a new Quantum Relief Strip both below my belly button area as well as on my elbow area. To learn more about the QRS watch this:

or watch ME below TALKING about the Quantum Relief Strips…..


If you’d like to learn more about the Quantum Relief Strips give us a call 802-846-7530 or email us at

For those curious about Bikram Yoga: The temperature is about 105 F degrees and about 40% humidity. The room is kept at this temperature or more for the following:

  • Keeping the body from overheating (contrary to popular misconception) Protecting the muscles to allow for deeper stretching
  • Detoxing the body (open pores to let toxins out)
  • Thinning the blood to clear the circulatory system
  • Increasing heart rate for better cardiovascular workout
  • Improving strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization
  • Reorganize the lipids (fat) in the muscular structure

Are you interested in learning more about the Quantum Relief Strips? Email us at or call us at 802-846-7530. We are looking for reps world-wide to represent/market the Tavala Quantum Relief Strips. There is an incredible opportunity for leaders on our team and all is in place.

The cost for a 28 day supply of the Quantum Relief Strips costs only $64.99 which is customer and member pricing. That is less money than an hour body work session or massage and will last 4 full weeks. Each of the Strips lasts 48 hours. It is FREE to join too!

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with TAVALA
