Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden Has No Job or Health Care

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden Has No Job or Health Care

OMG.  Now, it’s OK if you agree with our government’s actions or if you do not, but the fact remains we still need to take care of those who we send into harms way.

From the Esquire Article  “For the first time, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden tells his story — speaking not just about the raid and the three shots that changed history, but about the personal aftermath for himself and his family. And the startling failure of the United States government to help its most experienced and skilled warriors carry on with their lives.” Read more: 

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

The reality is this.  Navy SEAL Who Killed OsamaThe shooter, Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama, when he retires after only 16 years in the military, not the 20 years needed to continue health insurance, his body filled with scar tissue, arthritis, tendonitis, eye damage, and blown disks, here is what he gets from his employer and a grateful nation:

Nothing.  No pension, no healthcare and no protection for his family.    Imagine if the word got out that he was the one to kill Osama Bin Laden.

From our Commander in Chief:

“No one who fights for this country overseas should ever have to fight for a job,” Barack Obama said last Veterans’ Day, “or a roof over their head, or the care that they have earned when they come home.”  Read more:   Don’t just say something…. back it up!


Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

The Reality is that our country has left him and his family out to dry.  We are better than that.  Our men and women that we entrust to protect us deserve better!

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

They deserve our best too.

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Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

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