Eliminating YOUR Pain with FG Xpress Power Strips- Real or Placebo?

Power Strips- Real or Placebo?

Do you have pain? Ask that question to people of varying ages and you will hear the answer “yes”…in fact, over 50% of the world’s population deals with chronic pain. Really? What if there was something natural and easy to use that could eliminate the pain, without being a drug or have adverse health risks? Or Without having to swallow a handful of pills. Apparently there is such a product.

Meet Power Strips

….but wait- these are not just any power strips on the market. There is a new company (FG Xpress) that has recently unleashed power strips that combine ancient herbs and new technology. Although a dermal application of a patch is nothing new (nicotine patches delivering nicotine comes to mind), there IS something new on the market that has people buzzing with excitement. In an effort to always give reliable information to our clients, we began researching this promising new product called FG XPRESS Power Strips.

Power Strips

power stripsTrue, Power Strips are not new, but the technology in THESE Power Strips is and wow, the people we talked to and the testimonials we read were very powerful! Apparently by combining this transdermal technology with ancient herbs, marine phytoplankton and other proprietary ingredients this product is offering more POW than just pain relief. These POWER STRIPS have a concentrate of Red Korean Ginseng and exclusive Marine Phytoplankton (MPP) in a base of minerals, using a transdermal technology for an improved delivery.

Developed by Dr. Minsu Kim, PhD (Bacterial resistance mechanisms and researcher at the world renowned institute of Engineering and Technology of the future University of Korea.)

Korean Red Ginseng- an active ingredient in the power strips. We reviewed many medical journals and learned that that Korean Red Ginseng is the most bioactive in the plant kingdom containing 32 different kinds of saponins, the active compound. Saponins produce Ginsenoisides. It’s been proven that the ginsenosides have a variety of beneficial effects including:

  • Cleansing and detoxifying
  • Anti-inflammatory antioxidant, and anti -carcinogenic effect
  • Transdermal absorption makes saponins bioavailable.
  • Breaks down fat and boosts nutrient absorption and digestion
  • Revitalizes enzymes in cells and enhances metabolism
  • Boosts energy and helps against chronic fatigue
  • Also helps with erectile dysfunction

In clinical studies Korean Red Ginseng has shown “beneficial effects on lymphocyte DNA change, and LDL oxidation in healthy participants: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial?. (Nutrition journal 2012 11:47 doi:10.1186/1475-2891-11-47 http://www.nutritionbalj.com/content/11/1/47

Although we found massive amounts of scientific data on the ingredients in the FG Xpress Power Strips we don’t want to bore you here. What we did find was that the benefits of individuals using the power strips had benefits beyond pain relief. Those WITH pain, found it to be helpful – sometimes within minutes of applying the power strip. We talked to the most skeptics of individuals – some who even used the FG Xpress Power Strips to prove they wouldn’t work…but guess what? They did work……and thus the excitement. Remove someone’s chronic pain and their life becomes more whole and worth living. They can begin to live life like they were one accustomed to prior to their pain.

If you are one of the many millions suffering with any kind of pain or discomfort, we suggest trying these for yourself. Power strips are sent by mail inside a beautiful greeting card. You can place an order by going to http://www.FGXnow.com or by calling 802-846-7530.

Dave & Joy




Power strips

Power strips

Power strips